Complete specimens of all three known versions of the Japanese
Type 100 (1940) submachine gun are now in Allied
hands. The three versions thus far identified are: (1) the
earliest version with removable bipod and bayonet; (2) the
paratroop version, with removable bipod, bayonet, and folding
stock; and (3) the latest version, with bayonet but no bipod.
It was known prior to the capture in Burma of the earliest
version that this unusual weapon was fitted with a bipod. Recovery
of an actual specimen with bipod reveals that the bipod secures
around the barrel jacket by means of a collar. The bipod locks
to the tubing below the barrel jacket, thus providing a
quick-release feature. Inspection of the various guns shows that the
paratroop version of the Type 100 can also take the bipod, and
that the paratroop gun is identical to the earliest version except
for the folding stock. No bipods have yet been reported as
having been found on, or near, captured paratroop Type 100's.
Since the bipod is a most unusual addition, the appearance
of the third version of the Type 100 without this feature was
not at all surprising. This latest type of Type 100 (briefly
described in Tactical and Technical Trends, No. 57) is fitted
to take the standard Type 30 (1897) bayonet, in line with the
official Japanese doctrine which urges fighting with cold steel.
Although preliminary tests indicated that Japanese 8-mm
pistol ammunition would not function in a Japanese 8-mm
Type 100 (1940) submachine gun, further tests now show that
such use of the ammunition is entirely practical. In the first
tests, caliber 8-mm pistol ammunition packaged for the
Type 94 (1934) pistol functioned very badly when used in a
later-model Type 100. Some 75 percent of the cases failed to
extract, while others were badly bulged. However, tests with
other Type 100 guns now show that the performance with ordinary
Japanese pistol ammunition is entirely satisfactory. It is
presumed that the Type 100 first tested was defective.
In spite of modification of the Type 100 series to the latest
form, this type of submachine gun leaves much to be
desired. For one thing, it represents a manufacturing problem.
The Japanese have made no effort to ease production bottlenecks
by the extensive use of stampings throughout the weapon. They
have manufactured a Bergmann-type gun, instead of one
patterned after the mass-production German "burp gun," the
Schmeisser M.P. 38 (1938). From the operational point of
view, U.S. Army Ordnance tests indicate that its cyclic rate of
800 to 1,000 rounds per minute is too high for maximum
effectiveness. U.S. Army findings in this respect are bolstered
by the experience of other battle-tested armies. German
submachine guns have a rate of fire around 500 rounds per minute.
The Red Army, which in its P.P.D. (1940) and P.P.Sh. (1941)
tommy guns had weapons with a 1,000-round per minute cyclic
rate, later standardized on their M1943 submachine gun with a
cyclic rate of 650 rounds per minute. In an effort to correct
the drawbacks inherent in a high rate of fire, the Japanese have
fitted a type of compensator to the latest version of their
Type 100.