A translation of a German document describes a substance known as Kat
(Kaltklebekitt) 39 which is used for the speedy attachment of demolition charges to
all kinds of surfaces except those that are thoroughly wet.
a. Description
Kat 39 is a dark brown, sticky substance made up in 1/2-kg tins with a
spatula and instruction sheet. It will not adhere to wet surfaces under water. It
must be protected from frost, which makes it hard and useless until it is thawed.
It retains its adhesive properties as long as it is at body temperature. It can be
stored for long periods and is unaffected by weather.
b. Method of Use
The side of the charge which is to be attached to the target is smeared
with a 1/16- to 1/8-in layer of the paste and the charge pressed firmly against the
target with a slight back and forward motion. If the surface to be attacked is wet
or excessively damp it should be previously dried with a cloth. All charges
attached with Kat 39 should in addition be secured with wire if time permits, as
it is impossible to ascertain whether the whole or only part of the surface is
adhering. Only in cases of extreme emergency, and if the demolition is to be
carried out immediately, can the wire be omitted. Kat 39 can also be used to join a
number of 200-gm or 1-kg slabs together to form concentrated
charges, (geballte Ladungen); these too must be further secured by wire. Heavy charges can be
prevented from slipping down by lengths of 3/4-inch plank stuck to the surface of the
target below the charge.