It took the American forces just about 3 weeks to finish off the Japanese
on Attu. A brief report by an American observer on same Japanese tactics used
during this operation is contained in the following summary. For further
information concerning the Japanese on Attu, see Tactical and Technical
Trends, p. 38, No. 27.
* * *
In general, nothing new was learned at Attu about Japanese tactics other
than what has already been reported from other contacts with this enemy. The
Japanese are good soldiers, are courageous, but they can be whipped. Although
they show signs of fanaticism, particularly in local counterattacks, they can be
forced to withdraw when they are outmaneuvered. As has been previously reported,
they do not like artillery fire, and on Attu they would not fight when dominant
terrain had been secured above them. They do not allow themselves to be captured
As has been reported from other theaters, the Japanese make extensive
use of snipers, attempting to infiltrate these men in the rear and on the flanks of
American units. The initial fire from these snipers is harassing but it is not
dangerous. This point must be emphasized to green troops. To the best of my
knowledge, during the period from May 11 to May 19 inclusive no casualties were
caused to the Northern Force by enemy snipers. It is necessary, however, when
advancing over terrain which offers concealment to snipers, to thoroughly comb
every square foot of area to the rear and flanks in which snipers can hide. These
men are trained to fight like animals, in that they can lie motionless for hours at
a time and thereby avoid detection. Their weapons (both rifles and machine guns)
gave little flash and no smoke, with a result that it is difficult, if not impossible,
to place long-range fire on them and they must be routed out by thorough patrol
The Japanese on Attu made highly effective use of their AA artillery as
field artillery, placing fire both as air bursts and impact bursts.
As has been previously reported from other theaters, the Japanese are
prone to counterattack "at the drop of a hat." At Attu, contrary to what had been
expected, the Japanese did not counterattack under cover of darkness, all
counterattacks being made during daylight hours. The Japanese on Attu, however, did
attempt to infiltrate snipers into our positions during the hours of darkness.
They preferred to do their fighting on ridge lines rather than in valleys
and, as has been reported from other theaters, they do a great deal of their fighting
from the reverse slope of ridges and hills. On numerous occasions, when the
ridge line had been taken, the Japanese would drop down the reverse slope to just
below the military crest; from these positions they would wait for the American
troops to come over the top, whereupon they fired not only with rifles and machine
guns, but with 50-mm grenade launchers. The taking of a ridge line therefore
required the taking not only of the crest of the hill, but of the reverse slope as far
as, and including, the military crest. Many Jap counterattacks were launched up the
reverse slope of a ridge from just below the military crest, on terrain so difficult
that it was necessary for the enemy to crawl on all fours in order to advance. In
doing this, however, they presented excellent targets for American troops armed
with both the M1 rifle and hand grenades, and none of their counterattacks against
the Northern Force were successful.
American troops with the Northern Force on Attu were in agreement that
the most effective weapon that the Japanese infantry had was the 50-mm grenade
launcher. On Attu the Japanese used no booby traps and no barbed wire. All
enemy dead were carrying gas masks.