German smoke floats, captured at a North African port, are described below.
Each float weighs 42 pounds empty, and 83 pounds charged, and is 32 inches
high by 12 3/4 inches in diameter. The time of emission is 8 to 9 minutes.
The float consists of the chemical container arranged inside a drum-shaped
buoyancy chamber. A pipe, open at the bottom and closed by a valve at the
top, admits water to the chemical container. The valve is operated by a
spindle extending to the top of the float.
When smoke is required, the valve spindle is withdrawn and the float is lowered
into the water. Water entering through the inlet pipe reacts with the chemical
filling, thought to be sulphur trioxide, and smoke is emitted through an
outlet pipe at the top of the float.
The floats were tried out and gave a good smoke cloud, but difficulties due to
corrosion may be encountered.