While the German airplane bomb usually detonates below the ground
level forming a crater, and permitting persons in the vicinity to get some
protection by lying down, a new type of bomb with an extension rod screwed
into the nose to give a "daisy-cutter" air-burst has been discovered in Libya.
Against such a bomb, both vertical and horizontal cover is needed. There is
evidence that similar rods are used in the 250-kilogram (550-lb), 500-kilogram
(1,100-lb), and 1,000-kilogram (2,200-lb) bombs in attacks on buildings and
small craft.
The rod adapted to a 250-kilogram bomb, shown in the accompanying sketch, lacked a
cardboard ballistic cone, but there is no doubt that one was fitted to it. From
Malta have come reports of "dumbbell bombs," and probably bombs fitted with these
rods would have such an appearance when viewed from the ground while
falling, particularly if they wobbled a bit.