Following is a description of the Japanese Type P3A radio set:
The transmitter has a single valve oscillator/amplifier using type valve UY 510 B. The
power supply is obtained from a hand driven generator giving 500 volts high voltage and 7.5 volts
low voltage. The approximate valve dissipation is 25 watts.
The wave range follows:
400 -- 580 Kcs.) | | |
580 -- 1000 Kcs.) | | |
1000 -- 2000 Kcs.) | | Each range has a set of plug-in coils. |
2000 -- 3000 Kcs.) | | |
3000 -- 5700 Kcs.) | | |
The set is crystal controlled. Three crystals come with the set -- 2960, 3283, 5550 Kcs.
Rod aerials are not used. A simple type aerial with metal mast sections is employed.
A built-in key is used, with an extension key breaking the negative lead. The general
performance is good, and the components and finish are excellent.
The receiver has a 5-valve superhet - high frequency Mixer, Intermediate frequency detector
and pentholde low frequency, with regenerator on the high frequency stage.
The power supply is derived from dry batteries both for high voltage and low voltage. The
high voltage is 90 tapped at 67.5, and the low voltage 3.
Following is the wave range:
350 -- 625 Kcs.) | | |
625 -- 1100 Kcs.) | | |
1100 -- 1950 Kcs.) | | Each range with a set of plug-in coils. |
1950 -- 3450 Kcs.) | | |
3450 -- 6000 Kcs.) | | |
Two pair headphones are supplied with the set. The operation is simple and the performance good.
(M/A Report, London, No. 48097)