• 145. ORGANIZATION.—a. Medical service for the tank destroyer battalion is
provided by a medical detachment. During active operations, this detachment is divided into
company aid groups, the battalion aid station group, and the rear echelon group. One company
aid man or technician should be assigned to each platoon of the tank destroyer companies and
to each reconnaissance platoon of the reconnaissance company. One or two technicians should
be assigned to the rear echelon. The remainder of the enlisted men remain with the battalion aid
station. Usually all medical officers are with the battalion aid station; if three officers are available,
one may remain with the rear echelon. (See
b. The medical detachment is equipped with its own motor transportation, driven and maintained (first echelon maintenance) by its own personnel. Second echelon maintenance, fuel, and lubricants are furnished by the tank destroyer battalion.
c. The detachment does not have a mess; its members are rationed with the companies of the battalion according to convenience.
d. Equipment and supplies for the battalions, except emergency medical, are procured in the
usual manner through