[Lone Sentry: FM 21-6: List of Publications for Training - Basic Field Manual]
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FM 21-6: List of Publications for Training
Basic Field Manual, War Department, January 1, 1943
[DISCLAIMER: The following text is taken from a WWII U.S. War Department Field Manual. As with all field manuals, the text may be incomplete or inaccurate. No attempt has been made to update or correct the contents of the field manual. Any views or opinions expressed do not necessarily represent those of the website.]


Section I. Field Service Regulations, Field Manuals, and Technical Manuals
   1. Scope
   2. Texts
   3. Numbering
   4. Changes
   5. Copyrighted matter
   6. How distributed
   7. Allowances
   8. Inspection of official files of publications
Section II. Training Circulars
   9. Scope
   10. Numbering
   11. Distribution
Section III. Lists of Printed Publications
   12. Army Regulations
   13. Film Bulletins
   14. Firing Tables
   15. Instruction Charts
   16. Mobilization Regulations
   17. Mobilization Training Programs
   18. Tables of Basic Allowances and Allowances
   19. Tables of Organization
   20. Training Films and Film Strips
   21. Training publications
         a. General
         b. Field Manuals
         c. Technical Manuals
         d. Technical Regulations

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