• 9. SCOPE.—The purpose of Training Circulars is to promulgate new doctrine for test; to issue minor changes in Field Manuals and Technical Manuals, or other training literature; and to disseminate War Department training policies from time to time. Training information that should receive wide distribution should be forwarded by all agencies charged with the formulation of training policies. This applies particularly to changes in existing Field Manuals, Technical Manuals, and Training Circulars. Changes in Army Regulations and War Department Circulars are ordinarily published in War Department numbered Circulars rather than Training Circulars.
• 10. NUMBERING.—Training Circulars will be numbered consecutively for each calendar year. For references in correspondence or publications an abbreviation such as "TC 1" (1943) may be employed.
• 11. DISTRIBUTION.—Same as paragraph 14,