aus | out | |
Beobachtungsgeschoss Patrone | observation (explosive) bullet | |
Dauerfeuer (D) | continuous fire, sustained fire | |
Ein | in | |
Einzelschuss | single-shot | |
Ersatzstücke (E) | spare parts, replacements | |
Exerzierpatrone | drill cartridge (dummy or blank cartridge) | |
Feuer (F) | fire | |
geballte Ladung | concentrated charge, pole charge | |
gehärtet (H) | hardened (tungsten carbide core) | |
geladen | loaded | |
gesichert | made safe ("safed") | |
Eierhandgranate | egg-type hand grenade | |
Kanone | cannon | |
Kern | core | |
Ladestreifen | clips, rifle magazine clips | |
Ladung | charge, propelling charge, load | |
leichter Granatwerfer (l.Gr.W.) | light mortar | |
Leuchtspur (L'Spur) | tracer | |
Maschinengewehr (M.G.) | machine gun | |
Nebel (N) | smoke | |
Nebelhandgranate | smoke hand grenade | |
Parabellum | trade name of | |
Patrone (Patr.) | cartridge, semi-fixed shell; round of ammunition | |
Patrone leichtes Spitzgeschoss (Patr. l. S.) | heavy, pointed ball ammunition with core of aluminum | |
Patrone mit Spitzgeschoss mit Stahlkern (Patr. S. m. K.) | cartridge with steel-core, point-ed bullet | |
Patrone schweres Spitzgeschoss (Patr. s. S.) | heavy, pointed ball ammunition | |
Patrone schweres Spitzgeschoss mit Leuchtspur (Patr. s. S. L'Spur) | cartridge with heavy tracer bullet | |
Patrone Spitzgeschoss mit Eisenkern (Patr. S. m. E.) | cartridge with iron or mild steel-core, pointed bullet | |
Patrone Spitzgeschoss mit Stahlkern (gehärtet) (Patr. S. m. K. (H)) | cartridge with pointed, armor-piercing (tungsten carbide core) bullet | |
Patrone Phosphor mit Stahlkern (Patr. P. m. K.) | incendiary armor-piercing cartridge case | |
Patrone Spitzgeschoss mit Stahlkern (Patr. S. m. K.) | round cartridge with steel-core, pointed bullet | |
Patrone Spitzgeschoss mit Stahlkern und Leuchtspur (Patr. S. m. K. L'Spur) | cartridge with pointed, armor-piercing bullet and tracer | |
Pistole | pistol | |
Pistolenpatrone | pistol cartridge | |
Rundblickfernrohr | panoramic sight | |
schwer | heavy | |
schweres Infanteriegeschütz (s.G.) | heavy infantry gun | |
sicher (S) | safe | |
Spitzgeschoss | pointed bullet | |
Spitzgeschoss mit Stahlkern (S. m. K.) | pointed bullet with steel core | |
stahl (St) | steel | |
Stielhandgranate (Stielhandgranate 24) | stick hand grenade (hand grenade, model 24) | |
Stielhandgranate PH 39 | stick hand grenade, model PH 39 | |
Tankbüchse | antitank rifle (model 35) (Polish) | |
Zünder (Z) | fuze |
1 This is a list of the German words used in the text. For an extensive German military
dictionary see TM 30-255 , "Military Dictionary, English-German,
German-English" (Aug. 5, 1941).