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TM 9-294: 2.36-inch A.T. Rocket Launcher M1A1
Technical Manual, War Department, September 27, 1943
[DISCLAIMER: The following text is taken from a WWII U.S. War Department Technical Manual. As with all manuals, the text may be incomplete or inaccurate. No attempt has been made to update or correct the contents of the original technical manual. Any views or opinions expressed do not necessarily represent those of the website.]

Section IV

General  .............................................................................................
Immediate action  ...............................................................................
Malfunctions and corrections  .............................................................


a. This section is intended to provide necessary instruction in the related subjects of immediate action, and malfunctions and corrections. These instructions should be studied by the firer and loader before any firing is done.


a. Definition. Immediate action is the immediate and automatic application of a remedy to fire the launcher if it malfunctions while firing in actual or simulated combat. When a stoppage occurs during firing, perform the immediate action described below.

b. Failure of Launcher to Fire. If the loaded launcher fails to fire when the trigger is squeezed, proceed as follows:

(1) Squeeze the trigger again to fire the launcher.

(2) If the launcher still does not fire, then the loader cautiously makes certain that the uninsulated portion of the contact wire engages the contact spring. The firer then squeezes the trigger to fire the launcher.

(3) If the launcher still does not fire, the loader waits 1 minute and then removes wire from contact spring, raises tail latch, and carefully withdraws rocket until safety pin can be reinserted. He then inserts safety pin and removes rocket completely from the launcher, coils and places the contact wire between the fins, repacks the rocket, and puts it aside for disposal by authorized personnel.


a. General. Proper care of the launcher before, during, and after firing will eliminate most malfunctions. Malfunctions which cannot be remedied by immediate action should be dealt with in accordance with instructions described in the following step:


(a) Failure to fire is generally caused by defective ammunition or defective firing mechanism.

(b) If the contact wire is loosely connected to the rocket, the rocket may be defective and should be turned over to ordnance maintenance personnel.

(c) Defective firing mechanism may be due to spent or defective batteries, loose connections, or broken parts.

1. Check the batteries by squeezing the trigger and observing whether the bulb lights. If the bulb does not light, replace the batteries and test again. If the bulb still does not light, change the bulb. A spare bulb is carried under the circuit indicator cover, and may be used if the bulb is broken or burnt out.

2. Remove the trigger grips and check the trigger switch contacts for loose or broken parts. If the bar contact is deformed, bend it into correct shape. If bar is broken, turn launcher over to ordnance maintenance personnel.

3. Check whether the battery spring contacts the batteries. If the spring is broken, spread it out so that it will contact the batteries (this should only be done in an emergency).

4. Remove the circuit indicator cover and check whether the wires are loose.

5. Test by hand whether the wire is securely connected to the stock contact. If the connection is broken, turn the launcher over to ordnance maintenance personnel.


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