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TM 9-294: 2.36-inch A.T. Rocket Launcher M1A1
Technical Manual, War Department, September 27, 1943
[DISCLAIMER: The following text is taken from a WWII U.S. War Department Technical Manual. As with all manuals, the text may be incomplete or inaccurate. No attempt has been made to update or correct the contents of the original technical manual. Any views or opinions expressed do not necessarily represent those of the website.]

Section VIII

Purpose  ............................................................................................
Procedure  .........................................................................................


a. Inspection of your materiel is vital. Thorough systematic inspection at regular intervals is the best insurance against an unexpected breakdown at the critical moment when performance is absolutely necessary. Never let your materiel run down; keep it in first class fighting condition by vigilant inspection and prompt maintenance.

b. Inspection is for the purposes of determining the condition of the materiel and the repairs or adjustments necessary to insure serviceability and proper functioning. Its immediate aim is preventive maintenance which includes inspection for any damage caused by improper handling before delivery into your hands and inspection for ordinary wear so as to prevent malfunctioning. It also pertains to correction of defects that may later require replacement of parts.

29. PROCEDURE (figs. 11, 12, and 13).

a. Inspect the launcher for general condition, loose or broken components, painting defects, bends, dents, or for obstructions in the bore.

b. Test the electric circuit by squeezing the trigger several times. The bulb should light when the trigger is squeezed. If the bulb does not light, check the batteries and bulb and replace the defective items.

c. Check for any loose wire connections.

d. Remove the trigger grips and check for the following:

(1) Deformed or broken switch contact bar.

(2) Missing switch contact button.

(3) Missing bar contact.

(4) Missing switch contact tower support rivet.

(5) Loose connections, particularly between bar contact and upper switch contact support, and between wire and upper and lower switch contact supports.

(6) Corroded electric contact points.

e. Remove the circuit indicator cover and check for loose wire connection. Remove the hasp and check for loose connection between wire and stock support.

f. Remove the batteries and examine for condition. Replace them if they are cracked, swollen, broken, or do not light the bulb.

g. Check functioning of tail latch and of trigger spring.

h. Examine the barrel of the launcher for rust, scale, and dents.

i. Examine the contact springs to see that they are secure to the clamp and that they are clean and free from rust, paint, and grease.


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